Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays!

I haven't been blogging for the past 6months as life and work has been a little crazy. Made a film, 2 concerts,  family duties, travelling, conferences and meetings. I must say 2012 has been quite a journey as work and play has somehow found its own balance.

There's lots of love surrounding me. Friends who stood by all these years has continued to stand by me. New valuable friendships has formed strong bonding as well. Work's been good and progressing well too.
All of us survived doom's day. This is a sign for new and wondrous beginning.

I am looking forward to Hokkaido in coming Feb even though its a work trip because I have never seen snow before. I am also now crossing my fingers for a possibility to Rotterdam (work) in Jan because this will mean 2 trips almost back to back to snowy land. Winter clothings are so expensive and hard to find in our sunny island so I wanna make use of them. Looks like I really need more wardrobe space. I need to get really warm and nice boots!! This is the beginning of my boots collection. LOL

A few things I wanna improve myself in 2013.
1) Learn a new language.
2) Read more.
3) Improve my movie making skill
4) Time management skill
5) Have the discipline to clean my room

I am now a member of a 7 pcs band and we have our own private jamming studio that comes with very high end sound systems and instruments. We planned to do at least 6 gigs per year and an album is now in the making. This is quite an unusual band as all band members hold professional jobs in the day. The main objective of my band is not about stardom nor fame but to be good in music and most important of all, to have serious good fun!

Merry Xmas and happy new year everyone!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Racing in heels

There's lots to do! It has been exciting racing with time. My reward, a trip to Manila. Okay its a business trip with endless conferences but I see it as my reward as I love exploring new culture, new places, and meeting new people. Gosh! I have never been to Philippines so I can't wait to get there!

Meanwhile, I am taking mom and my 2 nieces for a short family vacation. The girls did well in school, mom needs a break and I need to do some retail therapy. Family time! :)

The month of June will be fun!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bitter Sweet

Sometimes its hard to swallow sweet things. Like a soldier who's finally home after a long battle, his battle wound may have healed but the scars remains. I'd like to see my scares as medals and reminders to myself that I've had fought well during my last battle and will be able to do so again in my future battles.

I am glad the hardest battle I've ever fought is over, for now. I am still healing from my wounds. My heart is back home but I know I cannot afford to breathe too easily but at least its in a relax mode. I am really thankful for the peace now. I know very well I must not be afraid of what may come and shall not waste my time living in fear. However I shall still be very alert, even when I taking a breather now. I must be ready to fight at all times and never let myself fall. I am glad I have a brave and strong warrior fighting along with me who is in the front line while I watch his back, my hero PaPa. I am also thankful that I have many loved ones who are watching my back too.      

As for work, its been fun as always. I've produced a few commercial work and a film. Now I'm producing another new film and my shoot will start in early June. This time I'll be acting too. I don't know how I'm going to juggling 2 jobs at the same time, but with the help of the trusted people in all departments, I'd say there's no reason for the production not to be good and smooth. 

My dear friend missed her flight and so she decided to extend her stay for a week in Singapore. The downside is her one way ticket back home cost $1000 in euros. It's good to have her here for extended period as the next time I see her after this will be more than a year later. I am happy to have 3 visitors this year coming from countries far away. It's been fun! I wonder who's gonna visit me next. I'm sure looking forward to it.

This makes me wonder of how my friend who lives in Los Angeles is doing. I hope he's in good health as he was very very ill sometime back. He flew me to visit him in Cleveland and has been very kind to me during my stay. I wish him best of health and happiness always.  

Monday, January 30, 2012

肺言 (肺腑之言)

舍弃沉沦在忧伤的浪漫,忍一点痛前进,到了终点就会有属于自己的彩虹。吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。加油! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Celebrating Life !

I remembered someone asked me "How can you always be so happy? How's that even possible? ".
I didn't answer that person because I knew no matter what I say at that point, he/she is never going to get it as that person was very angry and upset. 

There are ups and downs in our lives. Everyone has it. There's no secret on how to be happy when bad things happen. I am only human I have my fears, anger and sadness too. But there one important thing I learned that has never failed to help me through the years. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!!

I never said its gonna be easy.  Once logic comes in, everything can be solved. At least this is how it works for me. 


This Chinese New Year I have quite a lot of surprises and heart warming  moments. 
Man is here, all the way from Los Angeles! Ras is back from N.Carolina too! The Chef SQ's house party!!
Little J is bringing me brownies!! Prince and me leaving town for work and mini vacation again 2 days later. Pre-production of my film starts in a few weeks time.  Bro R is giving me a beautiful red carpet style gown designed and sewn by him!! A new friend got me special wine, very special wine!! I am blessed!!
 WAHHOOO! Last but not least, count your blessings!! :) 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I am not surprised......

The sun baked my skin like a salted fish.  Now as a salted fish, I yearned for the ocean to give me life. But somehow, inevitable.

It's not that bad, for at least I am still breathing and its a good day to do laundry. The sky is clear, bright and sunny. A change in my comfort zone as I'd always prefer rainy weather.

Seasons change. Unstoppable. It's not that bad. Back to sunny days, at least I can see clearer than ever.

It's not that bad. It's the beginning of all things cheerful. :)