Monday, January 30, 2012

肺言 (肺腑之言)

舍弃沉沦在忧伤的浪漫,忍一点痛前进,到了终点就会有属于自己的彩虹。吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。加油! :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Celebrating Life !

I remembered someone asked me "How can you always be so happy? How's that even possible? ".
I didn't answer that person because I knew no matter what I say at that point, he/she is never going to get it as that person was very angry and upset. 

There are ups and downs in our lives. Everyone has it. There's no secret on how to be happy when bad things happen. I am only human I have my fears, anger and sadness too. But there one important thing I learned that has never failed to help me through the years. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!!

I never said its gonna be easy.  Once logic comes in, everything can be solved. At least this is how it works for me. 


This Chinese New Year I have quite a lot of surprises and heart warming  moments. 
Man is here, all the way from Los Angeles! Ras is back from N.Carolina too! The Chef SQ's house party!!
Little J is bringing me brownies!! Prince and me leaving town for work and mini vacation again 2 days later. Pre-production of my film starts in a few weeks time.  Bro R is giving me a beautiful red carpet style gown designed and sewn by him!! A new friend got me special wine, very special wine!! I am blessed!!
 WAHHOOO! Last but not least, count your blessings!! :) 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I am not surprised......

The sun baked my skin like a salted fish.  Now as a salted fish, I yearned for the ocean to give me life. But somehow, inevitable.

It's not that bad, for at least I am still breathing and its a good day to do laundry. The sky is clear, bright and sunny. A change in my comfort zone as I'd always prefer rainy weather.

Seasons change. Unstoppable. It's not that bad. Back to sunny days, at least I can see clearer than ever.

It's not that bad. It's the beginning of all things cheerful. :)