I haven't been blogging for the past 6months as life and work has been a little crazy. Made a film, 2 concerts, family duties, travelling, conferences and meetings. I must say 2012 has been quite a journey as work and play has somehow found its own balance.
There's lots of love surrounding me. Friends who stood by all these years has continued to stand by me. New valuable friendships has formed strong bonding as well. Work's been good and progressing well too.
All of us survived doom's day. This is a sign for new and wondrous beginning.
I am looking forward to Hokkaido in coming Feb even though its a work trip because I have never seen snow before. I am also now crossing my fingers for a possibility to Rotterdam (work) in Jan because this will mean 2 trips almost back to back to snowy land. Winter clothings are so expensive and hard to find in our sunny island so I wanna make use of them. Looks like I really need more wardrobe space. I need to get really warm and nice boots!! This is the beginning of my boots collection. LOL
A few things I wanna improve myself in 2013.
1) Learn a new language.
2) Read more.
3) Improve my movie making skill
4) Time management skill
5) Have the discipline to clean my room
I am now a member of a 7 pcs band and we have our own private jamming studio that comes with very high end sound systems and instruments. We planned to do at least 6 gigs per year and an album is now in the making. This is quite an unusual band as all band members hold professional jobs in the day. The main objective of my band is not about stardom nor fame but to be good in music and most important of all, to have serious good fun!
Merry Xmas and happy new year everyone!!