Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Comedy comes from suffering

VO stands for voice over. Looks like that's what I'll have to do to save all my scenes after the whole shoot because after dinner break today at the studio, I lost my voice.

The bill for my medical fees at Thomson Medical Center was $119.70 (after 10% discount for DBS/HSBC card holders). My antibiotics alone cost $49.2 for 6 tablets to be taken over 3 days. I knew I just have to see the doctor right after work at 10pm. I told the doctor that I urgently need my voice back. There's no way for me to take MC. So I requested him to give me the best and strongest medicine possible to speed up my recovery.

Today's shoot was fun during the first part until I lost my voice after dinner. I tried to "conserve" my voice till my last scene by whispering when I need to communicate. I was kind of "lucky" that my two other scenes needed only my facial expression. Still, I couldn't make the words out of my vocal chord when I was speaking my lines. ARRGH!! I felt so lousy that I couldn't even look into the eyes of my EP/Director. It wasn't even a difficult scene to begin with and I had to screw it up.

I will do better tomorrow.

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