Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Random Sugar Rush

I over ate in the last two days to celebrate that I had managed to lose some weight. HAHA! Back to square one! Warp party for my sitcom should be on this coming Sunday. It will be fun!!

Now that I'm so free, weird ideas been coming into my head. Planning to attend some workshop during mid of March. Violin lessons, pole dancing and ballroom dancing are on top of my to do list too.

But Prince told me otherwise...... He said the first thing in my to do list should be spring cleaning! haha Agree totally. CC came over to my place a few days ago to teach me how to make honeycomb. So there were many people suffering from extreme sugar rush effect as a result. LOL

I'm going to walk to the mall tomorrow. Its about 10 bus stops away!! This should help me burn some fats and keep fit.

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