Monday, April 20, 2009


I must have heard this a million times in my head. I never knew what it means. It all started when a passerby in my life told me this and after that it just kept playing back. Yeah It doesn't have to end up this way. Bla bla bla.

It's funny when it comes to human relations. It just gotta be funny for after all this world is all about human relations. Language, culture, civilization and all human race will not be formed and continued till this day should everyone had lived in isolation. What would have happened if Adam and Eve had preferred to live 5000 miles apart? Then I wouldn't be siting here typing on my laptop and there wouldn't be the word "I". So "I" was made up of two person who decided to live together to create life out of love.


Men are born hunter and protector so that women can care for the young. I once read somewhere that mice had the best instinct/sensory when it comes to choosing its mate. The female can tell by sniffing if the male had ANY bad genes that may lead to defects to the young. It will be wonderful if all females of the human race is born with that instinct/sensory. LOL

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