Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunset at 10pm

The sun doesn't set fully till 10pm here. The blur me only realized it now. The world wide web says the sun rises here at 6am. Gosh super long day everyday. No wonder I felt drained for the last two nights even when I did almost nothing.

I am a night person. Poor me. LOL I prefer the night. Quiet and cooling, it helps to boost my creativity. But well I guess I'll adjust my life here pretty well soon. Who wouldn't? Nice weather, nice people plus there's no traffic jams and stress free town.

Sometimes its good to slow down. The living enviroment, just like feng shui can change a person. It can either destroy you or heal you. Looks like I've just found another good reason to be here. I came here to heal. Ironically, I am now living in a world prestige medical town that's number one ranking for heart program.

When I first started my journey, I thought it would be just as simple as visiting a friend (who is seeking treatment here) and to provide assistance in every way I can. But looks like now I'm the one who is seeking treatment and receiving assistance here instead.

Its strange how life works. You think you are helping people yet its actually the other way round. I didn't know my heart's tired until now. I mean I knew in a way but just didn't think I'm that tired. Who wouldn't be tired after being trapped and struggled 24/7 in a city for so long? We city people are sick. Just too much going on living in a city. For me especially the last 2 months. The accident and death of Jerry and other accumulative stuffs. I want my kampong. I miss Tioman island. Now, where's my Ali kopi?

Tomorrow I'm gonna have to move out from this cosy guest house and move into a nice hotel. I'm so gonna miss the smiles from the people here, the free wifi and the cosy lounge area. Its been my "home" for the last two nights after all. I am actually moving just across the street so that I can be closer to my friend. Tomorrow I will honor my responsibility and integrity as a friend. That's what I am here for in the first place.

I spoke to Justina on the phone just now. She spoke of how much she misses Jerry. My heart sank. But I'm fine now. Spoke to another friend just now, he broke the news of his mom being diagnosed with cancer. Guess when I get back I shall spend time with this old friend of mine. I know there's nothing I can do but at least I can be there for him.

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