Sunday, December 12, 2010


A friend shared this on FB lately. "If life can be as simple as just sitting in front of TV with a tub of Ben and Jerry's..." Oh yes, it can be that way totally, if one can see no evil ,hear no evil and feel no emotion.

I've learnt quite an important lesson recently but only this very moment I start to fully understand it. I've had never like nor enjoy doing housework until recently. Everyday I took pride in cleaning up my house. But this moment I am thinking, no matter how hard I tried cleaning, washing and dusting, there'll always be dust and dirt. So this cycle will never gonna end. I can give 10 years of my life doing cleaning and trying my best not to give up but truth and fact is, it's a never ending thing.

Some things are not meant to be..... Its just me cleaning, the house will never clean itself.
Why bother? Skip the hurt and pain. I should just get a maid.

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