Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm having fun!

Finally finished my two days shoot today. A bit tired but happy. I'm happy not just because of money but I'm happy because I'm working. Working means I get to practise my craft as a actor. The crews and director are friendly and easy going. They took great care of me. Matter of fact is, this has been a fun and enjoyable shoot. Prince and I had dinner tonight at Raffles City with a very good and veteran actor whom I call him PaPa "P". Food was good and we even had a bottle of sake.

About 4days ago my blanket flew away after I hung it to dry on the pole/teck ko. I had used three clips to secure it to the pole but apparently it didn't work. I was just relaxing in my room when my mom came running to my door to inform me about my missing blanket. The pole was still there but the blanket went missing. Thank goodness the pole was still there because I live on a very very high floor. I decided to conduct a mini "CSI" while ironically I was wearing my CSI t-shirt I bought from Las Vegas. I looked outside the window at my laundry area but I didn't see anything below my apartment. I figured out it must be the "work" of the strong wind as it had been very unusually windy lately. I then decided to go downstairs with my two lovely little "CSI Assistants" whom both process the IQ of a 4-5 year old kid. ( Okay, both my lovely nieces are truly 4 and 5 years old. )


After I got downstairs, my blanket was still no where to be found. I thought to myself it must have flew its way to Johor?! LOL Just as I turn my back to head back home, I SAW IT.
My blanket was nicely hanging on top of a tall tree. So how tall are we talking about here? Picture this, it took me a 4 step ladder and two poles/teck Ko that were attached together to extend the length to the maximum and a good 15minutes to "rescue" my blanket from the tree top. As a friend mine put it jokingly, GONE WITH THE WIND! I actually thought this incident was funny and also heart warming as both of my nieces, my dad and I worked together as a team on this "rescue mission".

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